Hi there I have almost taken the decision to hire a algebra tutor , because I've been having a lot of problems with math homework lately . each time when I come home from school I waste hours and hours with my math homework, and in the end I still seem to be getting the incorrect answers. However I'm also not certain if a math tutor is worth it, since it's not cheap , and who knows, maybe it's not even that good . Does anyone know anything about mathematical slope problems that can help me? Or maybe some explanations regarding solving inequalities,angle-angle similarity or geometry? Any ideas will be much appreciated .
I think I know what you are looking for. Check out Algebrator. This is a wonderful product that helps you get your assignment done faster and right. It can assist you with assignments in mathematical slope problems, side-side-side similarity and more.
I remember I faced similar difficulties with slope, x-intercept and adding numerators. This Algebrator is rightly a great piece of math software program. This would simply give step by step solution to any math problem that I copied from workbook on clicking on Solve. I have been able to use the program through several Basic Math, Pre Algebra and Intermediate algebra. I seriously recommend the program.
Algebrator is the program that I have used through several algebra classes - College Algebra, Algebra 2 and Basic Math. It is a truly a great piece of math software. I remember of going through difficulties with sum of cubes, inequalities and perfect square trinomial. I would simply type in a problem homework, click on Solve – and step by step solution to my math homework. I highly recommend the program.