Hi gals and guys I’m really stuck on beginners algebra and would sure appreciate help to solve with function domain, hypotenuse-leg similarity and matrices. My tests is due soon. I have even thought of hiring a algebra tutor, but they are not cheap. So any help would be very much valued .
You don’t need to ask anyone to solve any sample questions for you; as a matter of fact all you need is Algebrator. I’ve tried many such algebra simulation software but Algebrator is a lot better than most of them. It’ll solve any question that you have and it’ll even explain each and every step involved in reaching that answer. You can try out as many examples as you want to , and unlike us human beings, it won’t ever say, Oh! I’ve had enough for the day! ;) I used to have some problems in solving questions on point-slope and x-intercept, but this software really helped me get over those.
I am a student turned teacher ; I give classes to high school children. Along with the traditional mode of teaching , I use Algebrator to solve examples practically in front of the students.
Algebrator is the program that I have used through several algebra classes - Basic Math, Pre Algebra and Algebra 2. It is a truly a great piece of algebra software. I remember of going through difficulties with equation properties, algebra formulas and trigonometry. I would simply type in a problem homework, click on Solve – and step by step solution to my algebra homework. I highly recommend the program.