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It is amazing to know that this software covers so many algebra topics. It does not limit you to preset auto-generated problems you simply enter your own. It is a must for all students. I highly recommend this package to all.
Oscar Peterman, NJ
Good job! I feel this version is MUCH easier to use than the older version. What I have seen looks like a major step forward to users like me.
George Tereckski, MA
I love it. It is much easier to move around and the colors are easier on the eyes.
Peter Goodman, TN
As a user of both Algebrator 2.0 and 3.0 I have to say that the difference is incredible. I found the old Algebrator useful, but it was really difficult to enter more complex expression. With your new WYSIWYG interface that problem has been completely eliminated! It's like Word Equation Editor, just simpler. Also, thank you for not using the new new software as an excuse to jack up the price.
Rebecca Silva, OR
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