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Our users:
I just wanted to tell you that I just purchased your program and it is unbelievable! Thank you so much for developing such a program. By the way, I recently sent you an email telling you that I had purchased PAT (personal algebra tutor) and am very unhappy with it. C.B., Iowa
My former algebra tutor got impatient whenever I couldn't figure out an equation. I eventually got tired of her so I decided to try the software. I'm so impressed with it! I can't stress enough how great it is! J.S., Alabama
This product is great. Im a Math 10 Honors student and my parents bought your algebra software to help me out. I didnt think Id use it as much as I have but the step-by-step instructions have come in handy. Allen Donland, GA
I needed to test out of algebra to satisfy the entrance requirements for school. Algebrator saved me. Thank you! Sean O'Connor
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