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I am very particular about my son's academic needs and keep a constant watch. Recently, I found that he is having trouble in understanding algebra equations. I was not able to devote much time to him because of my busy schedule. Then this software came as God sent gift. The simple way of explaining difficult concepts made my son grasp the subject quickly. I recommend this software to all. Angela Baxtor, TX
My former algebra tutor got impatient whenever I couldnt figure out an equation. I eventually got tired of her so I decided to try the software. Im so impressed with it! I cant stress enough how great it is! Mark Hansen, IL
My parents are really happy. I brought home my first A in math yesterday and I know I couldnt have done it without the Algebrator. Jennifer, OH.
This software has really made my life easy as far as doing algebra homework is concerned. M.D., South Dakota
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