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Kudos to The Algebrator! My daughter Sarah has been getting straight A's on her report card thanks to this outstanding piece of software. She is no longer having a hard time with her algebra homework. After using the program for a few weeks, we said goodbye to her demanding tutor. Thank you! S.L., West Virginia
Every time I use the Algebrator program, I discover something new and useful, I think this program should be attached to each student computer in the US, especially considering its price. Candice Murrey, OR
As a student I was an excellent maths student but due to scarcity of time I couldnt give attention to my daughters math education. It was an issue I could not resolve and then I came across this software. Algebrator was of immense help for her. She could now learn the basics of algebra. This was shown in her next term grades. J.V., Maryland
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